Sunday, February 28, 2021

Important Week!


  • Aunt Jane comes for a visit
  • The Inspector comes to inspect
  • Packing


  • Wire transfer to pay for 1/2 Pet Jet
  • Rocco goes to the Vet to have a couple lumps looked at
  • Packing

  • Mike has Home Inspections to do for his business
  • Packing

  • The Appraiser comes to appraise
  • Packing

  • Our last USA eye appointment

If you notice I haven't mentioned Mike going to work, it is because . . . . . .

Mike Has Retired

For thirty-one years Mike served the public in law enforcement. I've been his life partner for two-thirds of that time and can attest to his everlasting dedication to helping people. He is the bravest man I know and I am beyond proud of him and the years he gave to Protect and Serve. 

I hope this next part of our lives' journey will be meaningful to him in ways he might not yet think of. My wish for Mike is that he can finally relax and be at peace, enjoying the sea and jungle right outside his front door.

I love you, Michael A. Strine 💖

 We are moving! The Blog, that is! Given the formatting issues I've had in Blogger and the fact that they are terminating the feature th...