Where will we live?
Sometimes I just have to walk out to the end of this dock and take a deep breath. It settles my mind and brings calm back into my being.
This is our 40th day on Roatan and for some reason, I am feeling out of sorts. I really did not think we would have our permanent home only 960 hours in, so that can't be the reason for my anxiety.
So many wonderful things happen nearly every day. We are learning about the island and its people. One of the most profound pleasures for me is that I am finally figuring out how to just BE. That I don't have to be accomplishing something every minute of every day. I don't have to work to "get ahead" and there is no one to compete with.
Yesterday morning we met two new couples who are staying for a few days. All four people loved Rocco and Leo and it is such a thrill to watch our pets learn to nicely interact with new people every week. Some people are afraid and especially of big dogs, and we understand. So we keep both on leashes until we are sure everyone is comfortable with them running free.
Today Will and Tina, our first island friends, are coming to Camp Bay for a birthday party. We get a little visit time with them around noon. Also, our internet guy, Kurt, and his family are spending some time at Camp Bay Beach so we look forward to seeing them later this afternoon.
I started some green beans and tomatoes in an egg carton last week. This morning I transplanted them to these grow bags.
They say it is difficult to grow vegetables in this (salty) climate, so we are just experimenting. |
Friday we did all the regular "down island" errands: Banking, ACE Hardware (their fly traps work!), Eldon's for groceries - and then a special trip to a wood worker's shop to pick up our custom made desk and two chairs!These are beautiful, beautiful pieces of furniture and our first purchases here! There is only one problem- I wonder if you can see it?
Yep, one leg is a little short! Three legs measure 28 1/2" and the fourth measures 28 3/8". Until it can be fixed, I found two porcelain coasters balance the desk perfectly. Island Life!
But where will we live?
I feel haunted by that thought right now. Remember Harper's Place? Mike and I both really REALLY wanted to live there. We thought we felt it call to us. All four acres and 93 steps. But it is out of our price range and we've had to let that dream go.
Lot #10 Camp Bay would be wonderful because we could walk right out onto this beach we love every single day! But the reality is that our home would sit behind a front-row property that could someday house a mansion. The winds would not reach our cottage any more than they do where we are presently staying. That means no natural A/C or bug repellant! Also, the land is relatively expensive and we likely would not have enough cash to finish building.
We were all set for a trip over to St. Helene to look at some property, but inclimate weather is expected so we had to postpone that (boat-access only) trip. And after more discussion, we might be rethinking such a remote location.
From what we can figure, not all property for sale is listed in the Roatan MLS. Realtors have pocket listings and then lots of land is for sale by owners. Things can get quite complicated if you find a plot of land you like, owned by a local family. We've heard stories of purchases gone bad because not all of the family members could be located, or were not willing to sign off.
The one thing we have not yet done is hook up with a Realtor. I don't know why we haven't. It would make sense to give our wish list to a Realtor and see what they come up with. What calls to us is not complicated. We want to live a very simple life on the east end of Roatan, elevated for the winds and with beach access.
Our lease here runs until October 13, so there is no rush. We will have one shot at this and we want it to be the right one.
Another option would be to find a place to rent that ticks all the boxes. We can easily live off our income, even with paying rent, and not touch the funds we have set aside for our home purchase.
As I've been writing here this morning, and Mike and I have been discussing the subject matter, we agree on these things:
- Our eyes are wide open for opportunity
- We will not be rushed
- Giving up on our dream location is not an option
We don't have to know everything right this minute. Ever since we began this journey, paths have been laid in front of us as they were needed. Nothing has changed so why expect anything different? Let's sit back, enjoy the ride, and know that - -
Where will we live ?